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Czasopismo Logistyka

Business type: Services
Business type: Local market
Number of employees: < 5
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 1970


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Firm Rank: 0

"Logistyka" is a specialist magazine about logistics and is published every two months. It has been existing on a polish press market since 1970. The most interesting, selected articles, published by the editorial staff, make "Logistyka" the most valuable logistics magazine in Poland, which meets respect in managers staffs, scientists and students opinion. The circulation of the "Logistyka" is 5000 copies. 50 percent is in subscription and the rest you can buy from the large press stores: Empik, Relay and Inmedio.

Constant sections are: I. Logistics strategies and conceptions, II. Warehousing systems and indoor transport, III. Electronic commerce, IV. Logistics services, V. News from EAN-Poland, VI. Logistics education.

Every "Logistyka" issue has it's own leading subject:
1. City logistics
2. Transportation
3. Supply chain
4. Logistics education
5. Warehousing
6. Eco-logistics.

You can contact with mr. Artur Olejniczak, tel. (061) 850-49-26.

We send a free copy of our magazine by mail.

Address data

Street:Estkowskiego 6
Postal code:61-755
Region:Greater Poland
Phone: +48 61 8504925


Contact person

Name and Surname: Artur Olejniczak
Phone: +48 61 8504926
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